Do you have “Cookie cutter” Leadership hiring strategy?

Leadership hiring

When it comes to leadership hiring – one size fits all strategy does not work at all – you will land up wasting loads of time, money, effort and still not get the desired on-time results.

Your leadership hiring strategy must be a mix of permanent, interim, fractional and on-demand hiring.

To make the right decision among interim recruitment, permanent recruitment, fractional recruitment, and on-demand recruitment, employers should consider the following factors:

Immediate Needs: If there are urgent leadership vacancies or short-term projects, interim recruitment or on-demand recruitment may be more suitable.

Long-term Stability: For core and strategic positions, permanent recruitment would be recommended.

Part-time Leadership: When part-time leadership is required for specific areas, fractional recruitment can be a good choice.

Specific Expertise: If the organization needs specialized skills or expertise for specific projects, on-demand recruitment may be the best option.

Cost Considerations: Employers should weigh the costs associated with each recruitment method based on their budget and resources.

Risk Tolerance: The level of risk an organization is willing to take on for the role’s duration should be considered. Interim and on-demand recruitment typically involve lower long-term commitments and associated risks.

Project-Based Needs: On-demand recruitment fits well when there are short-term projects or tasks requiring niche expertise.

Cultural Fit: For positions requiring alignment with the organization’s culture and long-term vision, permanent recruitment may be the ideal choice.

Time Constraints: If there are strict time constraints, employers may prefer interim or on-demand recruitment options, as they usually involve faster hiring processes.

Flexibility: Fractional and on-demand recruitment offer flexibility in tailoring the role and commitment based on specific needs.

Below is a comparative chart that can help you in this difficult but important decision:

Aspect Interim Recruitment Permanent Recruitment Fractional Recruitment On-Demand Recruitment
Duration Short-term (temporary) Long-term (permanent) Flexible, based on need Project-based or Short-term
Purpose Filling immediate gaps Securing permanent talent Accessing part-time leadership Quick and Specific Needs
Recruitment Process Expedited and rapid More extensive and time-consuming Tailored to part-time roles Swift and Targeted
Cost Generally lower Higher Cost-effective for part-time needs Variable based on projects
Skill Set Specialized and adaptable Long-term fit with organizational goals Specific skills for part-time roles Niche expertise as required
Experience Often seasoned executives Varied experience levels Targeted experience for projects Diverse expertise for projects
Commitment Temporary, focused on a project Ongoing commitment to the company Part-time commitment to projects Short-term commitment to tasks
Onboarding Quick assimilation required Comprehensive onboarding process Efficient onboarding process Rapid integration into projects
Risk and Reward Lower risk, short-term impact Higher risk, long-term impact Balanced risk and flexible rewards Moderate risk, project-dependent rewards
Recommended Situations – Urgent leadership vacancies – Strategic and core positions – Part-time leadership needs – Quick and specific talent needs


Ultimately, employers should assess their current needs, project requirements, available resources, and the desired commitment level before making a decision. It’s essential to align the recruitment strategy with the organization’s goals and long-term vision. Additionally, seeking advice from HR professionals or recruitment specialists can provide valuable insights for making the best decision.

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Ratnesh Jain
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